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The phenomenon was first identified back in the 1980s by Barbara Gonyo, a woman who ran a Chicago-based support group for adoptees and their newfound relatives. We are like peas in a pod and are meant to be together,” West declared to New Day, speaking about a phenomenon known as “genetic sexual attraction.”

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The couple has subsequently kept a low profile in a bid to avoid being prosecuted for their illegal sexual relations, but say science is the reason they can’t keep their hands off each other. Things quickly turned sexual, and they went public with their incestuous relationship in 2016, with West boasting she had “mind-blowing sex” with her son. Kim West, 57, got pregnant as a teenager, and gave up her baby boy, Ben Ford, for adoption in the mid-1980s.įord, who is now 38, tracked down his mother eight years ago, and the pair formed a close bond. Sicko charged with 1,200 counts of sexual assault and incest with minorĪ Michigan mom who fell in love with her biological son says a rare “genetic” phenomenon is responsible for their red-hot romance. Twisted family tree: ‘World’s most inbred family’ includes four generations of incest Texas man sleeping with his own sister kills her after she has sex with another man, prosecutors say

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Pregnancy from rape an ‘opportunity’ for victim: GOP Ohio lawmaker

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